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Friday, January 6, 2017

Childhood Oral Health Brings Lifetime Benefits

Childhood Oral Health Brings Lifetime Benefits

Want to give your children a great advantage in life? Then be sure they receive regular dental care and develop good oral habits from a young age. Dental problems in early childhood can negatively affect oral and general health in later years, as well as the quality of life of the children and family. Oral health is a major factor in overall health and well-being.

Experts say that children with early dental decay are at greater risk for cavities, gum disease, malocclusion and even general health problems. Poor oral health can have an impact on a child’s ability to chew properly, resulting in limited food choices and affecting his or her nutritional level. And limited food choices can contribute to excess weight and obesity.

Furthermore, children whose teeth affect their appearance or speech may feel embarrassed and avoid social interactions or classroom participation, establishing a negative pattern that could continue into the future. Studies show that children and adolescents who suffer from dental pain often perform poorly in school. They are absent more frequently and have difficulty concentrating when they are in the classroom, seriously affecting their grades and influencing future opportunities for college and career.

Starting your child early on the road to good oral health can lead to a happier, healthier individual, saving the family the stress and cost of extensive treatment later. Here are some things you can do:
  • Establish a relationship with us by the time your child’s first tooth erupts. Then bring your child in for checkups twice a year.
  • Encourage good oral hygiene. Teach your child effective brushing techniques and have him or her brush at least twice a day. Using toothpaste that contains fluoride can also help reduce decay.
  • Watch your child’s diet. Sugary drinks and other sweets that children enjoy encourage decay. So can frequent snacking, which causes sugars to remain on the teeth and cause damage. Be sure your child eats a healthy, balanced diet.
The payoff for such dental diligence on the part of you and your child? A healthy mouth that can lead to a lifetime of feeling and performing better—academically, socially and professionally.

Call us at KiDDS Dental to schedule an appointment today! (509)-891-7070.

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