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Friday, November 24, 2017

Don’t Delay on a Dental Abscess

Don’t Delay on a Dental Abscess

Any time your child suffers from more than momentary or very mild tooth pain, you should strongly consider seeing Dr. Jared right away. That suggestion becomes a hard-and-fast rule in the case of a potential dental or periodontal abscess, which will likely cause your child significant pain and may be visible as a pus-filled “pimple” on the gum.

An abscess is caused by a bacterial infection that, if left untreated, can affect more than just the tooth and/or gum. The infection can reach the bone or even organs such as the heart. That’s one reason it’s imperative to treat it right away.

An abscess may be caused by
  • decay (a cavity) that quickly progresses before it can be treated, affecting the nerve and root of the tooth
  • an injury (a break or crack) to the tooth that causes the nerve to die; the resultant space becomes a place for bacteria to congregate
  • trapped food between teeth and gum, another reason flossing and brushing is so important; popcorn hulls, in particular, can be a culprit, because they can “grasp” a well-concealed tooth surface, impervious to usual food-removal techniques
  • foreign objects, such as slivers of bitten-off fingernails, becoming lodged between the teeth or in the gums and causing irritation through which bacteria can enter
Because an abscess can form quickly—within a day or two of initial infection—prompt treatment can get rid of it quickly. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can diminish the abscess pain at home, but it does not address the infection. Proper treatment is usually accomplished, in part, with antibiotics, but often, we must physically address the infection by draining the pus. In some cases, a root canal to remove a tooth’s dead nerve or an extraction is necessary.

Whether you are certain that your child has an abscess or you just suspect he or she might, this is not a wait-and-see situation. Make an emergency appointment with us to be sure your child is treated properly and as quickly as possible.

Give us a call at (509)-891-7070 to schedule today!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Does Your Child Have “Dentist Visit Anxiety”?

Does Your Child Have “Dentist Visit Anxiety”?

When it is time to visit the dentist, many children are fearful and anxious. Some of these fears are derived from previous experiences, such as having received a shot or having had a tooth drilled or extracted. Others are often based on anxieties about the unknown and what might happen. Even when previous visits haven’t resulted in discomfort, many children find the sounds and sights, such as loud drills and suction machines, sharp metal tools and bright lights, scary.

As a parent watching your child struggle with these worries, you may feel helpless, but you can take several steps to encourage your child to feel more comfortable about the checkup. Here are a few things you can do to help your child cope:
  • Try not to take your child with you to your own dental visits. You could wind up transferring your own fears—even subconscious ones—to your child.
  • Discuss the visit and your child’s fears before coming to our office. But don’t give your child too many details or make any promises about what will or will not happen.
  • Do not talk about shots, drills, extractions or other potentially frightening aspects of dental care.
  • Practice what you preach: Go to the dentist regularly, without talking about fears or worries or demonstrating anxiety.
  • Understand that fear is not an uncommon emotion in children. Many children may feel separation anxiety, and fear of the unknown is especially common.
  • Emphasize the role of going to the dentist in keeping teeth healthy and smiles bright.
  • Do not cave in and cancel or postpone appointments; your child should understand that going to the dentist is a necessity, not a choice.
Let Dr. Jared and his clinical team know about your child’s worries. As a pediatric dental practice, we are trained in treating scared children. We know how to help worried children calm down once they sit in our chair. And that can help your child feel more in control.

Give us a call at (509)-891-7070 to schedule today!