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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Unraveling the Mystery of Teeth Grinding in Children: Causes, Impact, and Coping Strategies


Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, is a prevalent issue among children. It involves the involuntary grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth, often occurring during sleep or times of stress. Bruxism can have various impacts on a child's dental health and overall well-being. Understanding the causes, effects, and management strategies for bruxism in children is crucial for parents and caregivers.

Signs and Symptoms: Identifying Bruxism in Your Child

Recognizing bruxism in children can be challenging. Here are some common signs to look out for:

  1. Worn teeth

  2. Jaw pain

  3. Frequent headaches

  4. Disturbed sleep patterns due to nocturnal teeth grinding

Digging Deeper: The Root Causes of Teeth Grinding in Children

To effectively manage and address bruxism, it's important to delve deeper into the root causes that contribute to this condition. By understanding these underlying factors, parents and caregivers can take proactive steps to help their children overcome teeth grinding.

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Stressful situations, anxiety, or emotional factors can trigger teeth grinding in children. Exploring potential stressors in their lives, such as school, family dynamics, or changes in routine, can provide insight into the underlying causes.

  2. Dental Misalignment: Irregularities in tooth alignment or the bite can contribute to bruxism. Identifying any issues with tooth positioning or jaw alignment can help determine if misalignment is a contributing factor.

  3. Malocclusion: Malocclusion, or an improper bite, can lead to bruxism. Examining the relationship between the upper and lower teeth and the jaw's positioning can provide valuable information regarding the potential connection.

  4. Sleep Disorders: Certain sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or snoring, can be associated with teeth grinding. Understanding if these conditions are present can help address the underlying causes of bruxism.

  5. Medications and Medical Conditions: Some medications or medical conditions can increase the likelihood of teeth grinding. Exploring the child's medical history and any prescribed medications can help identify potential contributors.

  6. Habitual Behaviors: Habits like tongue thrusting, lip biting, or nail-biting can contribute to bruxism. Identifying these behaviors and addressing them can be essential in managing teeth grinding.

  7. Genetic Predisposition: Family history may play a role in the development of bruxism. Recognizing any patterns of teeth grinding among close relatives can provide insights into the potential genetic factors involved.

  8. Psychological Factors: Psychological factors, such as hyperactivity, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or developmental disorders, can contribute to bruxism. Evaluating the child's psychological well-being and seeking appropriate professional guidance can be beneficial.

Managing Bruxism: Techniques and Tips for Parents

To help manage your child's bruxism effectively, consider these strategies:

  1. Introduce stress reduction techniques and relaxation exercises

  2. Behavior modification to break the habit of teeth grinding

  3. Identify triggers that contribute to teeth grinding such as certain foods or activities and try to minimize them

The Role of Oral Appliances in Treating Bruxism

Mouthguards or splints can play a pivotal role as protective measures against teeth grinding. They provide a barrier between the upper and lower set of teeth thus cushioning the impact of grinding.

Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals: A Key Element

The involvement of healthcare professionals like dentists, pediatricians or sleep specialists is essential to manage bruxism effectively. At KiDDS Dental, Dr. Jared Evans stands ready to help your child navigate the challenges posed by bruxism.

When it comes to addressing teeth grinding in children, Dr. Jared Evans and his dedicated team at KiDDS Dental are here to provide exceptional care and support. By scheduling an appointment at KiDDS Dental, you can receive expert guidance from Dr. Jared Evans and Dr. Marc Soelberg on addressing the root causes of teeth grinding in your child. They will thoroughly evaluate your child's dental health, assess potential contributing factors, and provide personalized recommendations tailored to your child's needs.

The compassionate team at KiDDS Dental understands the impact of teeth grinding on your child's dental health and overall well-being. They will work closely with you and your child to create a comfortable and nurturing environment, making dental visits a positive experience.

Don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Jared Evans and his team at KiDDS Dental for expert assistance in managing your child's teeth grinding. Contact KiDDS Dental today at (509) 891-7070 or visit their website to schedule an appointment and receive personalized care and support for your child's teeth grinding concerns.

Help your child break free from the grip of teeth grinding – trust Dr. Jared Evans and his caring team at KiDDS Dental to provide expert care and guidance for managing bruxism in children, ensuring a brighter, healthier smile for your little one.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Breaking the Habit: Nurturing Healthy Smiles Without Thumbs or Binkies!


Thumb sucking and pacifier use are common habits among young children, providing comfort and soothing during their early years. However, prolonged thumb sucking or excessive pacifier use can have dental implications and affect the proper development of teeth and jaws. As parents or caregivers, it's essential to understand the importance of breaking these habits and nurturing healthy smiles for our little ones.

In this informative guide, we will delve into the world of thumb sucking and pacifier use, exploring the dental implications and providing valuable strategies for breaking these habits. By understanding the impact these habits can have on your child's oral health, we can work together to guide them towards healthier habits and foster the development of a beautiful, confident smile.

The Effects of Pacifier Use on Oral Health

Prolonged pacifier use can also influence tooth positioning and jaw development, leading to potential dental complications similar to those caused by thumb sucking. It’s important to note that while pacifiers are beneficial in early infancy for comfort and reducing sudden infant death syndrome risk, extended use should be discouraged.

Timing for Intervention and Communicating with Parents

The optimal age to intervene and help children stop thumb sucking or pacifier use varies, but most dentists agree that it should ideally happen around age two or three when permanent teeth start to appear. Effective communication strategies are vital for dentists to discuss these habits with parents, emphasizing potential dental implications and providing guidance for breaking them.

Strategies to Help Children Stop Thumb Sucking

Dentists often recommend various tips and techniques to assist children in breaking the thumb sucking habit. Some strategies include:

  1. Positive reinforcement: Rewarding children for not thumb sucking can encourage them to break the habit more effectively.

  2. Distracting children: Providing engaging activities that occupy both hands can reduce instances of thumb sucking.

  3. Using reminders: Gentle reminders about the consequences of thumb sucking can help children become more aware and control their habit better.

Alternative Soothing Techniques

We understand that breaking a habit is not easy. Therefore, we recommend alternative methods for soothing children such as cuddling, providing comfort objects, or offering positive distractions instead of resorting to thumb sucking or pacifier use.

Supportive Care at KiDDS Dental with Dr. Jared Evans

Breaking the habit of thumb sucking and pacifier use is a crucial step in nurturing healthy smiles for children. Understanding the potential dental implications and seeking guidance from dental professionals, such as Dr. Jared Evans and his team at KiDDS Dental, is essential in promoting optimal oral health.

The dedicated team at KiDDS Dental understands the challenges associated with thumb sucking and is committed to creating a positive and nurturing environment for your child. They will work closely with you and your child to support the transition away from thumb sucking and pacifiers, promoting optimal dental health and development.

By scheduling an appointment at KiDDS Dental, you can receive personalized recommendations from Dr. Jared Evans and Dr. Marc Soelberg on breaking the thumb sucking and binkie habit. They will assess your child's dental development, provide strategies to encourage healthier oral habits, and offer guidance tailored to your child's specific needs.

Take the first step towards helping your child overcome thumb sucking and binkies by partnering with the experienced professionals at KiDDS Dental. Contact them today at (509) 891-7070) or visit their website to schedule an appointment and receive compassionate care and guidance for your child.

With Dr. Jared Evans and his team by your side, you can help your child achieve a healthy, confident smile by breaking the thumb sucking habit and fostering positive oral habits for a lifetime.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Hidden Dangers of Nighttime Bottle Feeding


The Hidden Dangers of Nighttime Bottle Feeding:
A Closer Look at Your Child's Oral Health

As a parent, your primary goal is to ensure the well-being and health of your child. While nighttime bottle feeding may seem like a harmless routine or even a savior for those desperate for sleep, it can have significant implications for your child's oral health. The team at KiDDS Dental, led by Dr. Jared Evans, strives to provide parents with comprehensive insights on this matter and promote healthier habits that safeguard your child's dental health.

Dental Concerns Associated with Nighttime Bottle Feeding

When a child frequently falls asleep with a bottle full of milk or juice in their mouth, it creates an environment that is perfect for tooth decay. But why is that?

The Role of Milk and Juice in Tooth Decay

  1. Sugar Concentration: Both milk and juice contain high levels of natural sugars. When these sugars linger in the mouth overnight, they provide an ideal food source for harmful bacteria.

  2. Acid Production: These bacteria metabolize the sugars, producing acids that weaken tooth enamel and eventually lead to cavities.

  3. Prolonged Exposure: During sleep, saliva production decreases significantly. As a result, natural cleansing of the teeth is reduced, allowing sugars and acids to remain on the teeth for longer periods.

Bottle Rot: The Consequence of Prolonged Nighttime Bottle Feeding

Bottle rot, technically known as early childhood caries (ECC), is a severe form of tooth decay that occurs in infants and toddlers who are frequently exposed to sugary liquids during sleep. This condition can lead to pain, infection, and even loss of baby teeth at an early age.

Moving Away from Nighttime Bottle Feeding: Alternative Solutions

Breaking the habit of nighttime bottle feeding can be challenging but not impossible. Here are some alternative solutions:

  1. Gradual Dilution: Start diluting the milk or juice with water over time until the bottle eventually contains only water.

  2. Soothing Techniques: Consider other soothing techniques such as pacifiers or soft music to help your child fall asleep.

  3. Bottle Replacement: Replace the nighttime bottle with a comforting object like a favorite blanket or toy.

Promoting Good Oral Hygiene Habits From an Early Age

  1. Nighttime Brushing: Encourage brushing before bed to remove any lingering sugars or acids on teeth.

  2. Dental Check-ups: Regular visits to pediatric dentists like Dr. Jared Evans can ensure early detection and prevention of dental issues.

  3. Promote Water Consumption: Encourage drinking water instead of sugary drinks whenever possible.

Expert Advice from Dr. Jared Evans at KiDDS Dental

For expert guidance and support regarding nighttime bottle feeding and its impact on your child's dental health, turn to Dr. Jared Evans and his dedicated team at KiDDS Dental. They understand the importance of promoting healthy oral habits and are committed to providing exceptional care for children.

By scheduling an appointment at KiDDS Dental, you can receive valuable advice from Dr. Jared Evans and Dr. Marc Soelberg on nighttime bottle feeding practices. They will explain the potential risks associated with prolonged exposure to milk and juice during sleep and offer alternatives to help protect your child's dental health.

The compassionate team at KiDDS Dental strives to educate parents and provide guidance to ensure optimal dental care for children. They create a comfortable environment where children feel at ease, making dental visits a positive and enjoyable experience.

Don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. Jared Evans and his team at KiDDS Dental for trusted advice and personalized care regarding nighttime bottle feeding. They will help you establish healthy oral hygiene habits and provide strategies for promoting your child's dental health.

Give your child the gift of a healthy smile by partnering with the experienced professionals at KiDDS Dental. Contact them today at (509) 891-7070 or visit their website to schedule an appointment and receive expert guidance on nighttime bottle feeding and its impact on your child's dental well-being.

Embrace healthier bedtime habits for your child's smile – say goodbye to nighttime bottle feeding with the guidance of Dr. Jared Evans and his caring team at KiDDS Dental!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Giving Little Smiles a Superhero Shield: The Power of Fluoride Treatment in Children's Dental Health


At KiDDS Dental, we prioritize your child's dental health. One of our main tools in ensuring their glowing smiles is none other than fluoride treatment. But have you ever wondered what exactly fluoride treatment is and why it is so crucial? Let's explore.

Understanding Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is a preventive measure used by dentists to protect teeth from decay. It involves the application of a concentrated form of fluoride that isn't typically found in regular tap water or toothpaste.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment for Children’s Dental Health

  1. Prevents Tooth Decay: Fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks caused by plaque bacteria and sugars.

  2. Promotes Remineralization: It aids in repairing early stages of tooth decay even before it becomes visible.

  3. Saves Money: Preventive care like fluoride treatments can save costs associated with filling cavities and treating dental problems down the line.

The Science Behind How Fluoride Prevents Tooth Decay

Fluoride works on two levels - topical and systemic. Topically, it reinforces the enamel on the surface, while systematically, it strengthens teeth from within as they develop. The result? A powerful shield against cavities and decay!

Different Types of Fluoride Treatments Available

Your child can receive fluoride treatments through professional applications at a dental clinic or through over-the-counter products. Let's look at both:

  1. Professional Treatments: These are administered by a dentist or hygienist, using high-concentration rinse, foam, gel, or varnish.

  2. Over-The-Counter Products: These include low-fluoride toothpaste and mouthwashes suitable for daily use at home.

Comparing Professional Fluoride Treatment vs Over-The-Counter Products

Fluoride is a mineral known for its ability to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. It is available in various forms, including professional fluoride treatments administered by dentists and over-the-counter fluoride products such as toothpaste and mouth rinses. Understanding the differences between professional fluoride treatment and over-the-counter products can help you make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

Professional Fluoride Treatment:

  1. Concentration: Professional fluoride treatments contain higher concentrations of fluoride compared to over-the-counter products. This higher concentration allows for more effective enamel remineralization and cavity prevention.

  1. Customized Application: A dentist administers professional fluoride treatments, ensuring precise application and coverage of the fluoride solution. They can tailor the treatment to your specific needs, taking into account factors such as age, oral health condition, and risk of dental caries.

  1. Professional Supervision: During a professional fluoride treatment, a dentist or dental hygienist closely monitors the application process, ensuring it is performed correctly and safely. They can also provide personalized recommendations and advice for optimizing oral health.

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Professional fluoride treatments often utilize techniques such as varnishes, gels, or foams, which allow for better absorption of fluoride into the tooth enamel. This enhanced absorption promotes stronger and more resistant teeth.

Over-The-Counter Products:

  1. Convenience: Over-the-counter fluoride products are readily available in most stores and pharmacies. They offer convenience for daily home use, allowing you to incorporate fluoride into your regular oral care routine.

  1. Cost-Effective: Over-the-counter fluoride products tend to be more affordable compared to professional fluoride treatments. They provide a cost-effective option for individuals seeking regular fluoride supplementation.

  1. General Use: Over-the-counter fluoride products are generally formulated for the general population. They may not be specifically tailored to address individual oral health concerns or risk factors.

  1. Lower Fluoride Concentration: Over-the-counter fluoride products contain lower concentrations of fluoride compared to professional treatments. While they still provide some benefits, their efficacy in remineralizing enamel and preventing cavities may be less potent.

The Importance of Fluoride Treatments for Children

Fluoride treatments for children are highly important because they strengthen tooth enamel, protect against cavities, and promote optimal oral health. By applying fluoride directly to their teeth, it helps make the enamel stronger and more resistant to decay. Fluoride treatments also play a vital role in preventing early childhood cavities and establishing good oral hygiene habits from a young age. They are safe, cost-effective, and provide an extra layer of protection for children's developing teeth. 

Overall, fluoride treatments help ensure that children have strong, healthy teeth and a reduced risk of dental problems in the future.

KiDDS Dental - Your Trusted Partner For Kids’ Fluoride Treatments

For top-quality fluoride treatments and comprehensive dental care for children, Dr. Jared Evans and his dedicated team at KiDDS Dental are here to provide exceptional care. With their expertise in pediatric dentistry and commitment to the oral health of young patients, they understand the importance of fluoride treatments for children.

By scheduling an appointment at KiDDS Dental, you can ensure that your child receives the benefits of fluoride treatments. Dr. Jared Evans will assess your child's specific needs, recommend the appropriate fluoride supplementation, and administer professional fluoride treatments to strengthen their tooth enamel and protect against cavities.

At KiDDS Dental, your child's comfort and well-being are of utmost importance. Their friendly and compassionate team creates a welcoming environment where children feel at ease during their dental visits. They employ gentle techniques and engage in positive dental experiences to instill good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.

To learn more about fluoride treatments for children, contact KiDDS Dental today at (509) 891-7070 or visit their website to schedule an appointment. Dr. Jared Evans and Dr. Marc Soelberg are dedicated to providing outstanding dental care, promoting optimal oral health, and ensuring your child's smile shines bright with strong, healthy teeth.

Let’s give your child's smile a strong foundation with fluoride treatments – a little boost for big smiles!