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Friday, April 22, 2022

The Calming Truth About Sedation

The Calming Truth About Sedation

For some, the idea is frightening: You are going to sedate my child? While this inherent fear comes from deep parental instincts, it often results from miscommunication, misunderstanding and confusion. Dr. Jared and our clinical team employ a variety of techniques to make your child’s dental care less painful. The decision about which technique to use should take into account the type of procedure being performed and what works best for your child.

Whenever possible, we opt for a nonpharmacological approach, choosing noninvasive techniques rooted in psychology. One method is “Tell, Show, Do.” Simply put, it is a step-by-step explanation of the procedure and instruments used so that the child understands what is going on and does not fearfully anticipate the unknown.

If that approach will not succeed in your child’s particular situation, we may employ a conscious sedation method, such as nitrous oxide—more commonly known as laughing gas. Administered through a flavored nosepiece, nitrous oxide allows the child to remain conscious and responsive throughout the procedure while all but eliminating the nervousness and pain associated with dental procedures. Nitrous oxide use is considered safe by dental and medical professionals alike. We may also employ a relaxant, administered through a pill, injection or intravenously. Regardless of the type of sedation, we will remain vigilant throughout the procedure to ensure that no ill effects occur.

Occasionally, we may recommend general anesthesia. In this instance, an anesthesiologist administers a sedating drug, rendering the child totally unconscious. This method is often used in cases where an extended procedure is to be performed, the child is simply incapable of relaxing or the procedure is one the child would not be able to tolerate otherwise. This method does come with the possibility of certain risks and associated side effects. General anesthesia can, in some cases, cause vomiting, confusion or memory loss, as well as more serious complications such as difficulty breathing.

Ultimately, we use sedation for your child’s benefit. Our goal is to make sure that the work necessary to maintain your child’s dental health is completed correctly and safely. Current sedation methods are meant to calm your child, and lessen or eliminate pain. Don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Jared questions about sedation or any other health concerns. If you understand the process, you can keep calm—that may be the best way to help calm your child’s nerves, too.

Give us a call at 509-891-7070 to schedule today!

Friday, April 8, 2022

The Baby-tooth Truth: They’re Important!

The Baby-tooth Truth: They’re Important!

When your child’s primary (or “baby”) teeth fall out naturally, beginning on average around age 6, you know the side effects are temporary: slight difficulty chewing, perhaps, or a little lisp. You might assume that if a baby tooth is lost prematurely—due to decay or injury, for instance—it would just mean that those temporary side effects last a bit longer and are somewhat more inconvenient.

Actually, when a child loses baby teeth too early, the impact—if left untreated—can be lifelong. It’s important to let Dr, Jared know if your child has lost a tooth through “unnatural” means.

Under normal circumstances, when a primary tooth falls out on its own, the space left behind doesn’t have time to change significantly before the permanent tooth starts emerging into the void. However, if that space is open for a lengthy period—say, two years—it can begin to close on its own. When the permanent tooth is ready to come in, the space may no longer be large enough to accommodate it.

To prevent this, we can create a custom “space maintainer” for the child to wear until it’s time for permanent teeth to emerge.

Another problem: When one or more baby teeth are missing for months or years, a child’s overall bite can change for the worse. The other teeth may shift to fill in the space. In extreme cases, the skeletal structure of the jaw can be affected. Missing teeth can also affect a child’s developing language skills, not to mention chewing ability and appearance.

What’s more, if a baby tooth was lost due to decay, it’s possible that the “bud” of the growing permanent tooth below it was also affected by the decay. That possibility needs to be evaluated and, if necessary, treated.

Our custom-made, child-sized mouthguards for young athletes can help prevent some injuries that might otherwise knock out primary teeth. But many more baby teeth are lost through decay than through injury. Good basic dental hygiene—brush twice a day, floss once and ask us about fluoride sealants—is the ideal preventative.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jared. Or give us a call at (509)-891-7070.