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Friday, December 12, 2014

5 Tips to Banish Your Child's Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, might seem like a benign irritant, but it can actually be a sign of something much more severe. In most cases, halitosis is simply a result of poor oral hygiene. If you want to describe it as vividly as possible for purposes of motivating your children to take better care of their mouths, say that bad breath comes from all the decomposing food left in their mouth that they didn’t brush and floss away, as well as the bacteria that came into their mouths to eat all that food debris. In addition to being a good motivator, that explanation has the advantage of being true—in most cases.
Here are some oral care tips that will help to reduce the risk of halitosis:
  • Schedule brushing time after meals.
  • Brush the tongue with a soft-bristled brush.
  • Drink more water.
  • Suck on sugar-free candies.
  • End each meal with a crunchy fruit such as an apple to help expel bad food particles and freshen the breath.
If your child improves his or her oral hygiene and the bad breath persists, there’s a very real chance that the bad breath is a leading indicator of something far more serious. In some cases, depending on the smell of the child’s breath, he or she may benefit from seeing a doctor. If your child’s breath smells fruity, it’s a possible sign of diabetes or a number of critical conditions that might require urgent care.

While in most cases better dental hygiene is enough to fight halitosis, Dr. Jared can help determine if the cause is something more serious. As with any issue related to oral care, make sure to raise the issue of halitosis with us during your next visit to KiDDS Dental.

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