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Friday, June 3, 2016

Anticipation, Not Apprehension for Happy Dental Visits

Anticipation, Not Apprehension for Happy Dental Visits
We are so appreciative when a child visits KiDDS Dental with no preconceived negative ideas about dental care. How can your child fit this model by starting his or her experiences with us off on the right foot (or tooth)? Here are our best tips:
Language: Avoid the words “pain,” “hurt” or “drill” when discussing dental visits with your child. Instead, choose positive vocabulary and phrases, such as “let me see your smile,” “let me count your teeth” and “keep your teeth and mouth healthy.”

Timing: It’s almost never too early to accustom your child to dental visits. A trip to Dr. Jared as soon as the first tooth emerges, or at age 1, is ideal. The resulting familiarity will be helpful to your child and us going forward—especially if a dental emergency ever arises.

Details: Answer any of your child’s questions honestly, but provide as few specific details as possible. We are trained to explain our procedures in child-friendly, nonthreatening language, and we have had many years of experience. Trust us to provide your child with answers that he or she can understand and that will inspire no fear.

Books and play: Picture books about dental visits featuring television characters like SpongeBob Square Pants and Dora the Explorer may be fun to read with your child before the appointment. And you can also “play dentist” in a very simple way prior to a visit: Count your child’s teeth with a toothbrush, for instance, and then let your child pretend to count the teeth of his or her favorite doll or stuffed animal (or you) in the same way.

Here are some things to avoid: Leave your child home when you have a dental appointment. If you have any apprehension, he or she may sense it and associate fear with upcoming dental appointments. And avoid offering a bribe or reward in advance, saying your child will receive it if he or she is “good” or doesn’t cry at the dentist. Your child will likely wonder what awful thing might happen that would induce crying, and fear will be created.
If you are stumped or fearful yourself about your child’s upcoming visit to KiDDS Dental, ask us about strategies we use to make our young patients comfortable. We’re proud of our track record on this and are more than willing to share it with parents to make the dental experience as smooth and anxiety-free as possible.
Call us to schedule an appointment today! 509-891-7070

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