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Friday, March 3, 2017

Choose the Right Toothbrush for Your Child

Choose the Right Toothbrush for Your Child

Teaching children to brush regularly is essential to keeping their teeth and gums healthy. But with so many toothbrush types on the market—disposable, battery-powered, electronic—how do you choose the one that is best for your child while meeting your budget considerations?

While it is important to select a toothbrush appropriate to your child’s age, size and special needs, your child should also like using the toothbrush. Children who like their toothbrush will be more likely to brush regularly and properly. If your child is old enough, let him or her help pick out a new toothbrush.

Dr. Jared and his clinical team can advise you in this important choice. Here are some additional suggestions:

  • Select a toothbrush that has an American Dental Association Seal of Approval. This will ensure that the construction and materials of the toothbrush are appropriate for children.
  • Pick an age-appropriate toothbrush. Most children’s toothbrushes have the recommended age range printed on the box. If the brush head is too small or too large, it will not reach all areas of your child’s mouth. The handle should feel comfortable so that your child will be able to use it properly.
  • Choose soft bristles. A child’s teeth and gums are more sensitive than an adult’s, especially when the child is teething. A soft-bristled brush cleans teeth well without wearing away tooth enamel or gum tissue. The bristled end of the toothbrush should be small and round, so that the child will not be hurt if his or her hand slips while brushing.
  • Choose a special brush for braces. Children who wear braces may do better with special orthodontic toothbrushes that have bristles altered to reach hard-to-clean areas.
  • Disposable or battery powered? Both types can effectively keep teeth and gums healthy. The choice may depend on your child’s preferences and age, as well as the evaluation of your pediatric dentist.
  • Options and attractions. Child-friendly toothbrush designs make the brushing experience fun and may be more effective. Some brushes feature cartoon characters or a variety of colors. Several models play music or flash timed colored lights to let your child know how long to brush. 

Whichever choice you make, be sure to replace your child’s toothbrush as recommended, usually every three months for the average disposable brush. KiDDS Dental is your best resource in the choice and maintenance of the right toothbrush for your child’s oral health.

Call us to schedule an appointment today! (509)-891-7070.

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