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Friday, February 2, 2018

Every Six Months: The Importance of Routine Dental Care

Every Six Months: The Importance of Routine Dental Care

Most children need to be seen by a dentist at least every six months for regular cleanings and checkups. Good oral health requires professional cleaning and observation, especially as children grow. It can be difficult for little children to learn to brush properly, and older children and teens may engage in habits like chewing sugary gum or candy that can lead to plaque build-up. And even the best brushers and flossers can’t get rid of tartar, a hard substance that forms on the teeth when plaque isn’t removed completely. We remove plaque with special tools, helping your child to maintain a healthy smile. Regular examinations with Dr. Jared also help to make sure teeth and jaws are developing properly and that there are no cavities or other problems that might need immediate attention.

For some children, though, twice-yearly appointments may not be enough. Certain dental issues are hereditary, putting children at higher risk for oral health problems, no matter how well they care for their teeth. Children with special needs may need a little extra attention and help keeping mouths free from decay. Past habits such as pacifier use or thumb-sucking might have created problems that require monitoring. And children entering the preteen years and requiring orthodontia may need to be seen more frequently to ensure that food particles and bacteria aren’t hiding under braces.

At KiDDS Dental, we treat every patient as an individual, which means that we might recommend an individualized schedule for visits. Untreated dental problems can lead to speech, confidence and general health issues down the line; rest assured that we’re doing all we can to keep your child healthy.

Going to the dentist doesn’t have to be a chore. We provide a fun, educational, relaxing environment. Coming in for a visit, regardless of the frequency, can become a pleasant tradition instead of a dreaded experience, especially if you practice good oral health habits at home.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jared. Or give us a call at (509)-891-7070.

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