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Friday, February 15, 2019

Hyperdontia—Too Many Teeth

Hyperdontia—Too Many Teeth

When children are born, most will have 20 primary teeth and 32 permanent teeth in their jaws, waiting to erupt at the appropriate time. Some children, however—approximately 1% to 4% of the population—will have additional teeth, a condition known as hyperdontia; the extra tooth is known as a supernumerary tooth. Most children with the condition are otherwise healthy—that means we can usually ensure a good outcome.

There is no clear cause of hyperdontia, but it probably has a genetic basis. While most children with hyperdontia will have just one supernumerary tooth, others may have several. Those children with more than one extra tooth may suffer from other conditions, such as Gardner syndrome (cancerous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract), cleft lip and palate, or Ehler-Danlos syndrome (a disorder of the connective tissue).

Although not all children with extra teeth have negative outcomes, hyperdontia can cause a number of problems, including
  • delayed eruption and growth of adjacent teeth
  • irregular alignment of teeth
  • bite problems
While extra teeth will not automatically cause damage to the mouth or require removal, they should always be monitored. Dr. Jared will make the best decision for treatment based on the location of the tooth and other factors. Your child’s extra tooth might look abnormal or it could look completely normal. Treatment depends on the tooth’s appearance, whether it’s crowding other teeth and how it erupted.

We will check to see whether the extra tooth is likely to prevent future teeth from erupting or cause a nearby one to shift or rotate. It is important that your child see us early on, because parents can’t always detect an extra tooth. A visit to KiDDS Dental within six months of your child’s first tooth’s eruption and regular visits afterward will ensure that hyperdontia and any related problems are detected early.

For some children, orthodontic treatment can be a successful treatment for hyperdontia. Other children may require extraction of the additional tooth, especially if it causes crowding in the mouth. After examining your child’s teeth, we can determine whether he or she has hyperdontia and what is the best course of treatment.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jared. Or give us a call at (509)-891-7070.

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